Naso CC
Naso CC is a Contact Center / Call Center / Statistics software allowing to process incomming and outgoing telecom traffic in your office. Naso CC extends functionality of PBX with functions typical for contact center/call centers like: traffic magament, agent’s application which allow to log to the system, present calling client information, statistics on calls and work time.
Naso CC allows you to integrate existing customers database to display information about them during incomming call.
Naso CC supports multchannel communication with a clients:
- voice calls
- web chat
- SMS messages
- email messages
- GSM calls
No matter of communication channel history of client's contats are in one place
System main functions:
- PBX integration
- Calls history
- Agent’s application
- Displaying call information
- Clients database
- Support for multichannel communication with clients
- Supervisor’s application
- On-line status of all agent’s status / phone lines
- Statistics on calls and work performance
- User / lines management
- Two versions of user interface
- Windows-based application (base interface with all functionality)
- Web-based interface (not all functionality availiable yet)
- Multilanguage interface
- Windows-based: English and Polish only (no other will be added)
- Web-based: english, polish, german, french, spanish, arabic and more (new can be added)
Demo version
Demo version of Naso CC is avaliable (fully functional, for 4 agents + 1 supervisor, for 14 days)
Agent’s application
Agent’s application allow to log to the system which is also logging to Hunt Groups and notification that agent is ready to process calls. Agent see all information on incomming call (caller ID, customer name, infoline) before anwsering a call. Changing statuses allows to report time used for calls and other activities. Agent can see customer’s history, missed calls, number of waiting customers in all infoline queues. Application have built-in IP softphone.
- Multichannel contact with clients (voice, email, chat, sms)
- Loging to system
- Changing statuses (active, different types of break)
- Info on incomming call
- Info on infoline queue
- Info on availability of co-workers
- Customers database
- Displaying information on incomming call (client’s name, company type, comments)
- Possibility to comment call / select call type (from predefined list)
- Automatic dialing (depending on phone type)
- History of own calls / call of selected client
- History of own statuses
- Build-in IP softphone
Main window of an agent app shows current status of the phone line, call history,status of co-workers and lost contacts
On incomming call we can see info about a client (if recognized in a database)
During a call agent can make notes and select type of a call from predefinied list
Agent has list of all his contacts (no matter if it's a voice call, sms, email or chat)
Client's card show all information about a client (details on address, history of contacts, other employees of this client)
In outbound campaings agent will automaticly receive new contact to process
Web-chat functionality allow client to chat with agent from company webpage. History of a chat can be assigned to client from database.
Supervisor’s application
Supervisor’s application allow to view current status of all agents, queues on Infoline, preparing analysis on agents work (list of calls, numer of processed calls, agents work performance). It also allows to define lines, users, hunt group assigments. Multilevel user rights allow to define users managing different departments on company.
- current status of all agents
- current status of all lines (call direction, caller id, time of call start)
- status of hunt groups
- list of all calls with different filter criteria
- list of statuses of agents with filter criteria
- information on hunt groups (currently logged agents, free agents, talking)
- reports on agents work (work duration, numer of calls processed, number of calls missed, workload on infolines)
- reports on calls based on different criteria (call direction, infoline, agent, duration of call, direction)
- hourly distribution of calls (investigating peak hours) splited by answered / missed calls
- System configuration (users, lines, hunt groups)
Statistics are available via OLAP report where you can create many different reports according to your needs (both text and graphical). Export functions allow to export reports to PDF, JPG, Excel and more.
System provides basic system for time management for agents and reporting
Wallboard application allow to present key information for agents like number of precessed calls, active / paused agents, number of lost contacts, average answering calls
In supervisor you can define many options like:
- users and their rights
- main settings
- types /categries of calls
- initial statues of agents
- assignment to queues
- email accounts
IP phones, softphone
Naso CC can work either with any IP phone (displaying all information on agent’s application) or with softphone buildin in Agent application.
Outbound campaigns
Naso CC includes module for processing outbound campaigns. It’s possible to define clients target group, assign agents, schedule dialing. System automaticly dial to clients for logged in agents, offering them script for a call to collect all necessary information from client.
Inbound campaigns
Naso CC can process inbound campaings, offering functionality for reporting contacts informations by using call script, possibilty to send predefined emails.
Area of usage for Naso CC
Naso CC is used in many different ways by many businesses including:
Customers Service Departments
Sales Teams
Contact Center
Call Center
Company Management
System requirements:
- Windows based computer, min. 4 GB RAM, Core Duo or higher processor, LAN card,Windows 7,8,10, 2008,or 2012, .NET Framework 4.0 installed.
- Grandstream UCM6xxx IP PBX