Customer service with issue tracking has similar functionality to Sales module, but instead of creating target group of clients and then work with them here we are creating a categories of issues from clients and adding a client's issue when it will be received. Module bases on processes, each type of client's issue can have different process used to standarize service of a client.

Filtering of issues allow quickly find unfinished issues.


Creating a new issue is very simple: we are just selecting client, type of an issue and entering name. System based on type of an issue select proper process and assign work to dedicated persons.


Work with an issue is simple with issue card where you can get history of performed steps, possible next steps to do and list of attached files.


About CTI Solutions

CTI Solutions - software company established in 2008, specializing in telecom systems.
Our offer cover many areas of client management systems fully integrated with telephony systems. We offer both "box versions" of our programs and customized systems prepared according to client's needs.
Our systems are compatible with many types of PBX'es.
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